Monday night Karen got permission from security to go a special site near the Wall in Jerusalem, the closest and highest location to the Dome of the Rock and the ground just above where the actual Holy of Holies resides...
Monday night Karen got permission from security to go a special site near the Wall in Jerusalem, the closest and highest location to the Dome of the Rock and the ground just above where the actual Holy of Holies resides...
Amazing connection and sign from the Rav tonight. We went to the north with Yehuda B, friends, and family to see Yochai, father of Rabbi Shimon. Then we went to Rabbi Shimon and some other Kabbalists. Then we went to the Rav....
Some people were a bit uncomfortable. I could feel it, sitting in the room. And there were some people who were truly excited. Karen, following the teachings and vision of Rav Ashlag, explained how it was time take a quantum leap...
The negative force inside of us, known as the Opponent or Adversary, is powerful. He is smart, cunning and crafty. He often sucker punches us by making us commit a small negative action, a tiny egocentric response and small selfish...
The word consciousness is not an easy one to wrap your head around — pun intended. I remember when I first heard Kabbalist Rav Berg use this word back in 1990, I had no idea what it meant in a...
99% of Rabbis and religious leaders and regular people around the world have no clue as to the truth and purpose about Rosh Hashanah. I didn’t say 95%. I didn’t say 98%. I said 99%. Okay. I am wrong. It’s actually...
The renowned Kabbalist Rav Berg had one portion of the Torah that was unquestionably his favorite. In Hebrew, it is called “Pinchas” (Don’t sweat it if you cannot pronounce it properly). This particular portion of the Torah radiates an intense...
If someone else’s belief in a different religion upsets you, you have not found God. If you feel compelled to change the mind of atheists about the existence of God, you have not found God. If other people’s opposite or...
Consider the following thought experiment: Suppose the electrical current flowing in the walls of a large auditorium is analogous to the Light of God that permeates our physical universe. Now imagine yourself standing in the middle of this massive auditorium...
There is a large gulf, a gap, a humongous space and canyon that exists that is far wider than even the grand canyon. In fact, this gargantuan gap and whopping space is far greater than the distance from earth to the furthermost regions of...
A photon of light traveling at light-speed causes time to dilate to zero and space to contract to zero. Therefore, from the perspective of the photon, there is no time and space. Which means the photon is everywhere in the...
This week’s Torah portion features the revelation on Mount Sinai and the two Tablets of Moses! Kabbalist Rav Berg said there is a profound reason why this most famous reading of the entire year, featuring the biggest event in human...