Welcome to Kabbalah Students Speak. The opinions expressed on this site are based on my own learning and 22 years of studying the wisdom of Kabbalah. Though I am a student of the Kabbalah Centre, the views and articles I present here are based on my experience and reflect my own personal views and are not an official representation of the Kabbalah Centre and it’s teachings.
You will find different topics and content under the CATEGORIES menu located in the side bar. Current categories include:
These are articles showcasing the surprising and not so surprising correlations between modern physics and ancient Kabbalah.
Here you will find stories that describe the miraculous and the wondrous. Students of the Kabbalah Centre share their experiences with the wisdom the centre teaches, the tools it provides and the support shared by the Centre’s community of students and teachers around the world.
Lies, misinformation and falsehoods have surrounded the teaching of Kabbalah for the last twenty centuries. This misinformation is generated so that people would be doubtful of these life enhancing teachings. Why? The articles in this category are my way to set the record straight.
In this category you will find kabbalistic wisdom describing the mysteries of life and of the universe that have been concealed for millennia. Literally.
General principles, Kabbalistic ideas and the latest news about Kabbalah will be posted in this category.
And coming soon will be a new section called, THE RAV. Here you will find the mystical and the miraculous in the stories of student’s personal experiences with the Rav , our master and teacher, the most prolific Kabbalist of our generation. Check back often as I will be updating each category on a regular basis.If an article resonates with you, I encourage you to share it, tweet it and post it where ever you can. Make no mistake, as the wisdom of Kabbalah sparks a light in people –every person’s connection, is like a candle, one by one and darkness is removed from our world.
When we reach a critical mass of enLIGHTened people, the scales will tip from darkness to light and a healthy, harmonious world, beyond what we can imagine right now, will dawn.But don’t believe me. Not a word. Read. Test. Try. See if the wisdom shared here inspires you. If it does, share it with someone else. If it doesn’t, don’t waste a second reading another word on this blog.
Finally, whatever you take away from here, never try to teach it or preach it; never tell it or sell it.
To live it, is to give it someone else.
—Billy Phillips
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips
In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.