Below is the absolute true story of how I was hoodwinked and duped by Kabbalist Rav Berg, in spite of myself.
Below is the absolute true story of how I was hoodwinked and duped by Kabbalist Rav Berg, in spite of myself.
On April 8, 2011, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece by Evan Goldstein that made numerous ill-informed criticisms of Kabbalah. Mr. Goldstein’s piece prompted an outpouring of responses from theologians of various backgrounds. In particular, there is a very...
Each moment of darkness and doubt and challenge that we overcome, we are, in essence, building a candle wick to hold the flame of future blessings. The bigger the wick, the greater the Light we ignite. —The Teachings of Rav...
Perhaps scientists,medical researchers, scholars, physicists and others should delve into the teachings of the Zohar and Kabbalist Rav Berg before wasting billions of dollars on research. They might find the answers they are looking for, and perhaps come away with...
Harvard Medical School trained cardiologist Dr. Artur Spokojny recalls how he used the healing technology of the Zohar on a patient in the ER. The patient had a massive heart attack and his arteries were blocked. The story took place...
Every year there is a unique date for igniting the profound forces of healing during the Sabbath. In Hebrew, it is called “Pinchas” (Don’t sweat it if you cannot pronounce it properly). This particular portion of the Torah radiates an...
The great Kabbalist R. Elimelech of Lijensk, who lived a few centuries ago, says just before the Messiah arrives, the Creator will wind a rope around the earth. Everyone will hang on. The rope will then shake violently. Those with...
Throughout history, Arabs, Muslims and Christians got along famously with the Kabbalists. Even during times of conflict and war. This is true in our day as well. This is the universal power of the Kabbalist and the Zohar. Kabbalists are...
“With this book of Zohar, people will not have to undergo tests of judgement…it will be like Noah’s Ark.” —The Zohar Vol.17 According to the Holy Zohar, when the negativity of Jews and the world becomes overwhelming, the Angel of...
Most people associate the term “sephardic” with people who came from Spain. Not true. A total misconception and mistake. The only reason why the word “sephardic” is connected to Spain is because the Zohar was revealed publicly in Spain in...
The Zohar is the authentic seed of the Torah, the source of Jesus’ teachings, the one book, the one body of wisdom and divine source of energy that will end all conflict, pain and death in this world. It will...
Rabbi Jason Miller wrote on his blog (see below) that Yehuda Berg was “sent packing by Newsweek” because he was no longer on list of the top Rabbis in America. And then Miller questioned whether or not Rabbi Yehuda Berg...