Below is the grave site of one of the most greediest, miserly individuals who lived in the city of Krakow, Poland back in the 17th century. His grave is outside the cemetery because the people and rabbi of this city refused to bury him properly because of his refusal to give charity.
His name was Yossele and he is known as the Holy Miser.
The story below explains why a man of such greed was considered holy.
It runs about 16 minutes.
Click on the image or the link to listen.
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach – Yossele The Holy Miser
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Beautifully told story of Yossele The Holy Miser. It made me weep!
the ones with righteous-intent do have a way of sensing whether the ‘story/stories’ is “truth”- the factual {¬ interpreter} story-teller discerns the level [even unconscious levels/] of trueness in the listener/s & narrates the story/stories to gradually or immediately open minds to possibilities, broaden awareness, defy the established-nonsense of others’ or mere fantasy………a story that equals ‘truth’ [plural-truths of life] is truly transformative- its like what a poet said about poetry [that the person knew it was poetry due to the impact-a physiological-impact, blood-curdling ….]- thankyou for sharing
I am so glad to see that the Kabbalah Centers are connecting with conticreoral institutions. In the past, not having money to purchase the Kabbalah books, I have transcribed a variety books and have sent them to my inmate pen pals. I was able to check 72 Names of God from the library, giving me even greater understanding. I searched to find a paperback copy to send to an inmate friend, because it delivers a substantial amount of information I feel delivers a message that my Christian friends can relate to. While the paperback 72 Names of God meditation book doesn’t provide the explanations, THE LIGHT doesn’t need an explanation. The transformation in my friend has been nothing less than a miracle!The ability to access books from the Kabbalah Book Store for the cost of shipping, has blessed me with the spectacular opportunity to share Kabbalah. The books allow me to give the books without speaking words that would possibly misrepresent the intentions.I am grateful for the assistance in sharing to so many who are in need of THE LIGHT.You are Joy! <3
it’s a true story- I am descended from Rabbi Yom Tov Lippmann Heller (z’l) who is buried right next to Yossele in the Jewish cemetery in Krakow, Poland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yossele_the_Holy_Miser