If you feel compelled to change the mind of atheists about the existence of God, you have not found God.
If other people’s opposite or different opinion about a subject makes you angry, you have not found God.
If you believe that your belief system is the only truth, you have not found God.
If you feel God will punish you for not performing a certain ritual or commandment, you have not found God.
If you blindly follow organized religion you have not found God.
If you think there is an external enemy, somewhere, anywhere out there, you have not found God.
If you think death is the end and chaos is real, you have not found God.
If you believe heaven is up “there” you have not found God.
If you believe the Messiah is coming to save your butt you have not found the Messiah or God.
If you believe you are victim, a pawn, a helpless bystander, a sitting duck, and that you are destined to suffer at the hands of others, you have not found God.
If you believe God is punishing you, for anything, you have not found God.
If you believe God commands, punishes and rewards, you have not found God.
If you believe science is false, you have not found God.
If you believe science is the sole truth, you have not found God.
If you believe blindly in the literal meaning of the bible, you have not found God.
If you believe God talks directly to you, you have not found God.
If you believe the devil has horns and a pitchfork you have not found God.
If you believe your belief in God will cause God to strike down your external enemies, you have not found God.
If you believe God takes sides, you have not found God.
If you believe God is sitting on a throne in a long robe with a white flowing beard, you have found Santa Clause—but you have not found God.
If you are angry at God, doubting His existence, questioning His whereabouts, wondering why He abandoned us, you have not found God.
If you believe all of these topics have no satisfying, intelligent explanations you have not found God.
If you believe (or more important, if you want to believe) that there ARE clear-cut explanations to all of the above and that there are profound answers to every single question you have about life, you are now ready to begin your search and discovery of the One True, Universal Divine Cause of all causes, the one and only God, Creator of the Cosmos, the One that the ancient masters of Kabbalah referred to as… The Light!
And finally, if you “believe” anything you just read, you will never find God.
Never just believe.
More blood has been spilled in the name of belief than any other cause.
That includes organized religion. Because belief is the lifeblood of religion.
Instead, test everything. It must work 100% of the time.
Only bona fide results and 100% time-tested truths can lead you to the Light.
There is no belief when you find the Light.
There is only knowing.
Because darkness and Light cannot co-exist.
So when do you know you have found God?
When you realize each person must find God on their own. Without the preaching. Without the convincing.
When you realize each person who walks this planet is a child of God and a spark of the Divine.
And finally, when you realize there is but one underlying Force that animates the stars and galaxies, the atoms in the sun and in your brain, the chemical processes in your body, the human imagination, all innovation, all the love we feel, all the care and kindness we both seek and give and everything else that comprises what we call “this world, this universe.”
When you realize this, you have found God.
And you will know.
I have not only found g-d —- g–d has also found me because I have woken up I was simply not realizing he was there all along not ready to receive not ready to listen it is fine I am awake now everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be at every moment I am wake and ready to receive all that is revealed
Thank you Billy xx
I was recently and are often asked what is this about tell me about kabbalah now all I say is it’s simple it has changed the way I see every single thing in my life.
Hi Billy: Nice to hear from you again. It has been a while. Your teaching brings to mind two thoughts. One is the Taoist saying that “he who knows does not speak and he who speaks does not know”! The other thought I had when I read your words was contained in a lesson I got from Yedidah Cohen ( an Israeli Kabbalist author with Nehora Press) In her lesson the point was made that darkness is not bad or evil but is in fact good because it motivates us to look for light of the Creator and of course where else should one look but where the light is hidden – in the darkness. Take care and keep the thoughts and lessons coming. P.S. Waiting patiently for more wisdom on Jesus the Kabbalist. – Your friend Cecil from Canada
If you workship God night and day but you hate your neighbor or have any external enemies, you definitely have not found God.