For December 17th, 2013
Here it is. Bite-size bits of wisdom as profound and deep as they are simple, short and sweet. This is the wisdom of the ages, the oldest wisdom on earth, the wisdom that not only makes one more knowledgeable, but also elevates the soul and our consciousness, which makes us more pure, clear, enlightened and deeply contented.
Here we go:
1. When Moses’ tablets shattered the power and reality of immortality was lost. Each Zohar is a portion of the power that was lost when those tablets broke. Each Zohar shared, ignites a spark of immortality. When we share enough Zohars we will restore the realm of immortal existence. It’s all about the Zohar. It always has been.
2. In 1558, the Vatican was burning Talmuds, Torahs, Protestant Bibles and Korans. However, as proof of the Zohar’s power, Pope Paul lV authorized the first ever printing of the Zohar as 12,000 religious books were burning in the cities of Cremona and Mantua. The Rabbis of Italy tried to oppose the printing.
3. There are only two ways to appreciate: Lose what we have and suffer the hurt and pain of loss. Or proactively appreciate our blessings when our ego makes us complain about everything that we don’t have.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Thanks Billy for your daily messages. They do help me to put life into perspective and to keep trying to be a better person. ..not an easy task but worth pursuing. All the best to to you.