Here is a lecture I shared on the Torah portion known as Vayigash. Please note that the original video stream was not saved. However, Elise Jardine happened to record the audio portion on her iPhone. And Carlos Shimon Mendoza recorded the video. The video is blurry and low res but you can still hear the lecture fine and capture the essence of Kabbalist Rav Berg’s teachings.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Nov19 I am not rerfering to the Israelis when i say Israelites. I am rerfering to me. You. The Children of Israel, the descendants of Jacob (Yisrael) all over the world. I am saying we, me, have to fight my ego and take responsibility for the bloodshed in Israel. Yes, Israelis (Citizens of Israel) must defend themselves. I am saying as students of Kabbalah, we must fight proactively, while soldiers fight in the real world, in reaction to the events of life, and our effort as students is to battle Kabbalistically, internally so that Israel and all countries of the world, NEVER have to defend themselves again, because war is abolished from our world. I am not talking about victim consciousness of the people of Israel.I am rerfering to me. You. And all the Israelites (descendants of Jacob) who are not victims and we are responsible for whatever goes wrong in the Land of Israel. Hope this makes sense, as it’s hard to explain in text.