Jews around the world are singing the praises of Israel and Muslims are singing the praises of the Arab world, with both sides pointing the finger of blame at the other for the bloodshed that continues to drown the Middle East.
Emails and articles are circulating on the Internet trying to prove points and cast each nation on a higher moral ground than the o†her and win the support of the rest of the world.
Each is finding fault in the other, right or wrong, makes no difference.
From the Kabbalistic view-point, this is a recipe for death and destruction and darkness. And as Kabbalist Rav Berg has said on countless occasions, we have 2000 years of history to show us that this approach never works. Never. Ever.
It does not matter who is right or wrong in a dispute. That is a trap from which humanity can never escape and has never escaped.
Karen Berg offered the Kabbalistic solution to genuine world peace and prosperity and global transformation and it’s stunningly simple but unquestionably not an easy state of consciousness to achieve.
In short, Karen tells us that when an Israeli mother feels the pain and sheds tears over the death of an Arab child and an Arab mother feels the pain and sheds tears over the death of an Israeli child, then peace will come.
There is no “but” and no posturing or looking outward at the other side. The moment we do, we all lose. We can be right and utterly miserable, or we can let go of the concept of wrong or right and, instead, turn on the Light to remove the darkness.
Being right never, ever flips on the Light.
When we focus, 100% on feeling the pain of others, miracles in our mind, in terms of a sudden higher understanding and seeing a higher truth, and miracles on earth, will unfold before our very eyes.
Make no mistake, intellectual arguments, politics, religion and activism have never and will never bring about authentic peace.
Only miracles will change our world.
And the greatest miracle that will bring about the domino effect and tipping point for generating more miracles, is the miracle within!
That miracle within occurs when we are feeling the pain of our enemy to the point where we can no longer inflict pain upon our enemy.
That is the true Torah lesson which says, “Don’t do unto others, that which is offensive to you.”
As we strive to practice this mindset and behavior, we eventually reach a level called “Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.”
That is the endgame.
But to get there, we must strive, no matter what is happening around us or to us, to live “Don’t do unto others, that which is offensive to you.”
We came to this world to learn how to feel, not to just think. Feeling is the way to paradise. Thinking is the way to war. Look at history.
When we feel, we raise our consciousness. When we think, we become intellectually smarter but not necessarily kinder and gentler and more loving. Men of madness and darkness can be brilliant. But someone who feels the pain of others can never inflict pain upon others. And then their consciousness rises and they evolve wisdom.
Feel the pain of others.
Because that will lead to loving others unconditionally.
Because when share unconditional love, we feel the love as well.
And it circulates around the world.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us. Light and Blessings Rev. Rhyna
Feeling and Compassion is the way to Peace…..
Ego – is the way to misery.
My heart hurts for all those suffering….all.