This year at Rosh Hashanah, we had the honor of having Imam Shiekh Mohammad Ali Elahi and his son Mohammad Elahi attend our event as honored guests of the Kabbalah Centre.

Imam Elahi gave an historic and electrifying lecture that inspired the hearts and souls of all 3000+ people in the arena.

I had the opportunity to spend time with Imam Elahi and his son, Mohammad, and we truly had a wonderful connection.

I just received an email from Mohammad and he kindly gave me permission to share it publicly.

This letter demonstrates the power of the Zohar to ignite the Light of the one Creator so that all people can come together as one, each of us a limb of the one body of humanity.


Shalom Aleikhem Brother Billy!

 This is Mohammad Elahi, son of Shiekh Elahi. I sincerely hope you and your dear family are doing well. There has not been a single day since I left California that I have not thought of all of you and your genuine kindness. I will always cherish and remember your tremendously warm welcome, words of wisdom, and the memorable times we shared. I am getting goosebumps just typing this because of the value of these memories, but I learned a great deal from you, Brother. I feel like a new world has opened up to me that I never knew existed prior. I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done for us. I was especially impressed by your children. David and Coby have great character and can easily put anyone at ease. They treated me like a brother and I will always be grateful for that. Please send the entire family my Salaam.
I also included the photos we had taken at the dinner table together, so enjoy! Let me know if I can be of any help to you and your family. Thank you for your time Billy.
With much sincerity and gratitude, 

FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.

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Billy Phillips

Billy Phillips has been a student of Kabbalist Rav Berg and Karen Berg since 1989. He has been instrumental in helping to make Kabbalah accessible for the masses working on both private and public projects under the guidance of Kabbalist Rav Berg. He has lectured on a variety of topics, most notably the profound connection between Kabbalah, Christianity, Islam and the world of Science.

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4 Responses

  1. Ilan says:

    Billy Shalom,
    Will his lecture be available on the net?(U-TUBE)


  2. jacob says:

    i would love to see the actual video ?

  3. alex antwi says:

    thanks ,for gething some one like yu sir i ned your help for teaching how to make to get the realy look from kabbalah ,like making your life good in soucesfull from poor to rich i ned your help master any vocation words and sinble . thank you for your repply .

  4. Mohsan says:


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