Make no mistake — nothing is free in this world. Nothing. We either pay now or we pay later with some form of chaos in our life. Nothing is free. Bread of Shame is a fundamental Kabbalistic concept and it is a fact and law of this universe. Bread of Shame means we receive nothing in this physical dimensions known as planet earth without earning it. Why? Because we, the souls of humanity, told the Creator we want to earn and become the very cause and creators of the fulfillment we receive. You see, there is something far more profound and infinitely greater than having endless paradise. What is that? It’s creating and becoming the cause of the paradise that we are experiencing — instead of having it handed to us for free.

So on this physical dimension, nothing is free. We might think we are not paying now, but the universe and the force called The Adversary (Satan), will eventually send us a bill and the payment can wind up being a portion of our happiness, or our money in business, or our marriage, or our health, or our peace of mind!. No matter what, says Kabbalist Rav Ashlag and the Zohar, that dark side will extract some form of payment from us.

We must earn everything that we receive in life, if it’s to have value for us. In Kabbalah, we either pay by volunteering and using our sweat and effort as currency.  Or we pay a token amount to attend classes, as did all of Rav Ashlag’s students. Let’s not be so naive to think that there are free things in life. To take or receive anything of substance and value for free is to diminish our dignity and rob us of our humanity. Why? The greatest gift that God gave humankind was the ability to earn and to become the cause and creators of our own wisdom, learning and happiness. If it’s handed out for free, we are not earning. Therefore, we must pay for it later because that is the way the universe is structured.

Any true Kabbalist will confirm this deeply profound and honorable truth. How silly and foolish to believe otherwise.

If someone tells you something is free, beware. They are robbing you of your God-given right to become the cause of your transformation and the earner of your wisdom and happiness. Rav Ashlag’s students were poor. So what did they do? They pooled their money together and they designated one student to attend a class with this renowned Kabbalist. Then the student would return to his friends and share all that he learned. This is how you master the wisdom of Kabbalah by developing a deep appreciation for the most profound knowledge in the world.

The whole point of this entire physical world — all the stars in the heavens, the seven continents, the entire animal, vegetable and inanimate kingdoms — it was all set up so that we, humankind, can earn the wisdom and paradise that the Light of the Creator wants to give us.

Nothing is free.

We always pay for everything.

Any pain in your life right now — any chaos, any darkness, large or small, big or tiny — is because we did not pay for something in the past. It’s because we did not share and treat others with kindness.

If we truly grasp the power of the wisdom that we receive in Kabbalah, we know (we don’t just believe) that this wisdom is priceless. The opportunity to learn it is incalculable. If someone complains it means they are not yet ready to handle this truth and they are not yet ready to earn the right to possess this life changing miraculous wisdom.

Because there is one vital and important payment that must be made in order to perceive this truth; it is the payment of our ego.

We need to give it away.

For good.



FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.

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Billy Phillips

Billy Phillips has been a student of Kabbalist Rav Berg and Karen Berg since 1989. He has been instrumental in helping to make Kabbalah accessible for the masses working on both private and public projects under the guidance of Kabbalist Rav Berg. He has lectured on a variety of topics, most notably the profound connection between Kabbalah, Christianity, Islam and the world of Science.

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5 Responses

  1. Emilio says:

    All that the physical is, is a reflection of the ego or spirit. Likewise “bread of shame”. Yes, we may feel physical discomfort, but why? What is going on psychologically / spiritually? We didn’t earn it.

    Since it is the psychological / spiritual which is important, correction of that is what needs to be earned. If you are in a situation that could foster anger, which is the right choice – removing yourself physically from the situation, or staying but not allowing your ego to overwhelm your spirit?

    Removing yourself from the situation physically only brings shame to your spirit – because your spirit didn’t learn / correct anything – so it earned nothing. So it feels shameful, and so you feel it emotionally.

    Unfortunately so many people see “bread of shame” as something physical, and nothing else – and so they become proud and bolster their ego even further when they have earned something physical. Rather be humble and thankful that you have learnt your lesson – because you see the pain of others.

    The price of freedom (Light from the Creator) is going to cost you in ego $’s.

  2. Sage says:

    How does “bread of shame” apply to rules of etiquette or protocol, e.g. someone picking up the check or financially caring for another, or values, such as giving is receiving and the person doing the giving should genuinely enjoy the giving or not give?

    What about solid morals and values which include honesty and if you’re in a position to need, you ask, and when you’re in a position to give, you give, and when you need, you accept (until you no longer need)?

    Does such a principle as the above naturally balance things out so that when you need you’re able to accept and when you are in a position to give you do, too, and when you’re not in a position to give with money, you give in another way in which you’re able?

    How about for those who view time as money, does this mean that when one is giving of their time to you, for that person, they are being generous to you and this is their form of payment or exchange? What if one person has less physical and mental energy to give than another person so that when one is giving of such things it’s quite generous, that is it’s not free at all? Even if the other person may have wrongly perceived it as free, it had a price on the individuals’ time and energy they can’t easily afford to lose.

    The presence of the time and energy of the person can be interpreted as giving from one person and money or gifts can be perceived as giving from another person. The giving or exchange just simple be agreeable or compatible for it to work well under the Universe, no?

    A love language or language to reflect “giving” needn’t be defined in one way. For the man who is picking up the check for his date, that is a very humble form of giving. For the woman who has prepared by taking hours of her time to look nice for her date and even purchase a new outfit or take the time to get ready in a special way and taking time away from other things in life to do this is a form of consideration as it applies to the other person.

    I’m curious to know how you interpret such things or if it comes down to how oneself genuinely interprets such things in life and choosing the right and compatible people to be around so such dynamics don’t reflect any negativity.

    are such things where one has acted out of pain considered an
    honest mistake?

    Onto another question, what if we made some kind of mistake in the past and have done what we can to become a better person as a result in which we were no longer in touch with and didn’t know the whereabouts of the people who had been affected in order to directly apologize. What if at the time it was an act of impulse, desperation, pain or upset at the world, but once the error of one’s ways was accepted, one repented and when one knew better, they did better and reverted to kindness?

    What if one had been generous and kind in life and such negative incidents were the exception to the rule and one was hurting over what went wrong in life to lead one to such a place?

    What if what influenced such things in the first place was being around a few situations in which valuables were taken from the person at the same location in which it was never corrected, so then it seemed to be the lesson that everyone was out for themselves and didn’t care about how others felt?

    What about situations in which there was a “lost and found” at several locations in which ones valuables went missing but one’s valuables didn’t turn up and that’s what influenced a change in one’s kind, open, and trusting energy?

    What if one eventually realized that this was the wrong lesson and repented and did what they could to be a good person and previous to those situations and when one didn’t feel desperate one never engaged such questionable behavior?

    Does it all get balanced out because a series of incidents occurred in which valuables were first taken from me before I began to rationalize that I need to do the same, because it’s a free for all and whoever had taken my valuables or didn’t turn them in didn’t care about me?

    To reiterate, I realized sometime after the fact that tit for tat was the wrong lesson but then what is the lesson when one’s things are taken and one never received any form of apology or credit for any of those missing or stolen valuables? Is this not all part of balance in life?

  3. Kodemore says:

    Thank you for this article about the bread of shame. By the end you talked about how all the stars, heavens, animals, vegetables…etc were all created and set up for us, humankind, to create and earn our own paradise. I have a feeling that this can be some kind of a delusion caused by our collective egos as a humankind. why would the creator build all this universe and fill it with all kinds of things only for the sake of humans? I would appreciate it if you can elaborate more on this based on your experience as a kabbalist or a kabbalah student. Thanks

    • Rav Ashlag teaches,its all about consciousness. One plant has more worth in consciousness than the entire inanimate kingdom. One animal has more worth, in terms of consciousness, then the entire plant kingdom. And one human has more worth in consciousness than all three kingdoms combined. Our world is only 1% of true reality and it was created for the transformation of human consciousness, which elevates the animal, plant and mineral kingdom. You need to study a lot more Rav Ashlag and Zohar to understand the details. Not enough room here to explain further. This, however, in no way diminishes the value and importance of the other kingdoms. Without them, human consciousness would not rise and elevate. But the deeper meaning is that only our change affects the world. We destroy the animal, plant and inanimate world through our behavior, indicative of our consciousness being at the top of the pyramid, so to speak. Hope that helps.

  4. Bob M says:

    So why is this article titled FREE Kaballah?

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