Tonight (December 17, 2014) is the death (immortal life) anniversary of a profound Kabbalist by the name of Abraham ben David, known by the acronym RABAD. About 16-17 years ago, Kabbalist Rav Berg told me that he was the Rabad in his previous incarnation. At the time I did a little research and the Rabad seemed to be a pretty boring and ultra religious person to me. I couldn’t understand why the Rav would be just another Rabbi steeped in Talmud and traditional orthodox living.
Years later, after the Rav revealed secrets about the Holy Grail and other great secrets, I found out that a few scholars said it was the Rabad who was solely responsible for the opening up of the doors to Kabbalah back in the 12th century. Remember, Kabbalah and Zohar were unknown publicly since 2000 years ago. So another 1000 years had passed before the Rabad took this historic step.
Further, these scholars said that the Rabad paved the way for the legends of the Holy Grail to appear, which happened in the same century and the following century with more legends of the grail being published.
Now it made perfect sense to me why Rav Berg was also the Rabad, Abraham ben David.
The Rabad was visited by Elijah the Prophet in the 12th century and he was instructed to open up the doors of Kabbalah for the first time since Kabbalist Rav Shimon bar Yohai, 2000 years ago.
Well, the Rav in our generation did the same thing. The Rav opened up the doors to Kabbalah (thanks to Karen) to all mankind and made the profound connection to the Holy Grail. All of those secrets will be revealed in the next few years.
I also learned that Rav Isaac Luria (the Ari) one of the greatest Kabbalists in all of history, and his chief disciple, Rav Chaim Vital and others, all said that the Rabad was one of the greatest Kabbalists in human history. Imagine, the Ari designating someone as one of the greatest ever.
As I said, now it makes perfect sense why the Rav told me that he was the Rabad. It’s the same life. It’s the same story. It’s the same magnitude of influence and greatness that is beyond measure. Both brought Kabbalah to the world after 1000 years of total secrecy and ignorance.
Even the traditional rabbis look at the Rabad as one of the greatest medieval rabbinical scholars in history.
So tonight, during this insane connection to Chanukah, which shines the exact same blazing and scintillating Light as the Zohar, the “Or Ganuz” or “Hidden Light,” we have an opportunity to connect to the Zohar, the Rav and the Rabad. With all of their help, we will ignite our Final Redemption and reveal the truth about the Holy Grail to all mankind, which is the end of death and the arrival of paradise and immortal existence through the universal power of Zohar, the book of Splendor.
It is this Light that has powered up this holiday season throughout history. Subconsciously, the world feels the goodwill and the feeling of a perfected world, because the Light of Chanukah, the festival of Lights, the Light of Zohar, seeps into the soul of all mankind during this period. It’s not coincidence that Christmas falls at this time. But we’ll share those secrets another time.
Two days ago, I was invited to speak in Denver to a global conference being held by the official modern-day Knights Templar organization. Their grand master invited me to speak and they trace their lineage back to the birth of the Templars at the same time as the Rabad — the Middle Ages.
They know all about the work of the Kabbalah Centre and work behind the scenes to help spread Zohar, goodwill, wisdom and universal peace to all peoples.
I will be giving a lecture on Kabbalah and Holy Grail, as revealed to me by Rav Berg and a second lecture that I shared at NASA.
There will be Knight Templars from Lebanon, Japan, Africa, the US, Israel and other nations. It will be held in mid March of 2015.
This is the power of the Rav and the Rabad! It was the Rabad and Rashi (Rabbi Solomon Isaac of Troyes, France) also in the Middle Ages who orchestrated the first ever revelation of the Zohar for the world. Rashi himself met with the Knights Templar, specifically with Godfrey De Bouillon. No one knows the real secret of that meeting except for the Rav and the ancient and modern-day Knights Templar. I’ll be sharing that mystery in future articles and lectures including the lecture in March.
So with the help of the Rav and the Rabad on this profound, awesome and historic evening, may the Light of Chanukah, the Or Ganuz, the energy that shines from every atom in the book called Zohar, may it ignite a never-ending rain of miracles for all mankind and may the insanity of chaos that we are now witnessing give way to insanely positive miracles and blessings for every soul on earth.
It will happen in our lifetime. It IS happening in our lifetime.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Hi Can u kindly email me re this post I have a query
Hi Billy one of the french lead call this year wanted to speak to the RAV because she had bought RABAD ‘s house and wanted to asked him some information as she had read previoulsy somewhere on the net that the RAV was his reincarnation she said that she wanted also to have information on RABAD ‘s wife ? which deeply I think is Karen in this life time
Hi Billy,
Will this lecture be the one previewed in your Youtube video below or will that be something different?
This will be part of it.
WOW! What an amazing revelation. Looking forward to the continuation of the story.
This is amazing last night I was sharing the miracle stories of Avraham Ben Divan without realizing it’s the death anniversary.
I am very excited for this long hidden secret you revealed sir, its very interesting.
I believe that now is the poper time to disclose this kind of secret to let the people
know what are behind. Looing forward for the detail for these sir. Shallom Ubarach.
owww is awesome … I bless to know all this wisdom … and be able to connect with this energy ,,,, thanks billy