Kabbalah Centre student Regine Chevallier lives in Haiti. The moment she began to study Kabbalah with her teacher Chaim Solomon, she immediately felt a deep connection to the Zohar. Below is a letter from Régine, just one of tens of thousands of stories that make good on the promise of the Zohar and its author Rav Shimon Bar Yohai.
The month of April 2008 was a difficult time in Haiti. This was due to the rising prices of food, and the shortages of goods. On April 8th, 2008, what we never thought was possible, happened.
The growing frustration of the people, exploded. They took the streets and headed to Petion-Ville, where they had never ventured before.
It was what we all dreaded—a HUNGER RIOT.
The famished crowds strolled around every street of Petion-Ville and threw rocks at all the businesses, smashing glass windows and breaking down doors.
I have two stores in Petion-Ville. None of them sustained damage. Nothing. Needless to say I had put “The Zohar ” in all my stores.
My neighbors in the same building all had broken windows and damaged doors. As the security guard watched the crowd from afar, throwing rocks at my doors and windows, he could not understand why my stores didn’t suffer any damage. None of the rocks penetrated! I know it was a miracle.
Other business owners in Petion-Ville came to see my stores. They could not grasp why they were untouched and spared from all the horrible damage.
I showed them my Zohar.
I hope to have renewed in all of you, a deep appreciation for the tremendous power of “THE ZOHAR.” May we continue the spreading of “THE ZOHAR” all over the world.
Light , Love and Blessings to all,
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Chaim Solomon is the best teacher in the world, he was the one who offered me the Zohar for the first time, and since I got it in 2006, it has protected my family. Ligia.
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