My dear friend Ariel Grundwald is teacher of Kabbalah at the Centre in Mexico City. Here is his story in his words:
A few weeks ago, I was driving a car that a student had lent me in Mexico City. I was parking outside the Centre, wearing a nice Rolex watch that my grandfather had given to me years ago. The doors in the car were unlocked. All of a sudden someone opens up the passenger door and jumps into the car.
Then he pulled out a gun.
He then said,”Give me the watch.” So I handed him him the watch. Then he said, “Give me the keys and get out of the car.” I said “I can’t, it’s not my car.”
Now I have to say, when I gave him my watch, I was actually kind of happy for him. I felt bad that this guy was forced to rob people. He probably had the same dreams that I had, because I saw he was around my age. But I couldn’t give him the car because it was not mine. Suddenly, he screamed louder and shouted “I said give me the keys and get out!”
I told him again that I could not give him the keys because the car was not mine. The gun was still pointed at my head. Then I said, “But i can give you this.”
I handed him my mini pocket Zohar.
He didn’t take it.
But suddenly his face changed.
I mean it changed like you see on TV and the screen goes blurry. I saw it with my own eyes.
Then he just jumped out of the car and ran away.
I have to say I was not thinking about how to create a miracle. Giving the Zohar was just a reflex. I also was not afraid, which is surprising because there was a gun at my head. But I felt protected the whole time.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
The Power of Certainty!