Consciousness creates reality. Gossip, slander, negative speech and judgment create disease. Fear, pessimism and doubt become self-fulfilling prophecies. Blaming and finding the bad in others strengthens their darkness. Finding the good and Light in others amplifies their goodness and Light. If you want to see bad in others, you will create a personal parallel reality where you are right. And the chaos will grow. If we become accountable for the chaos and look for the good in others and come together, we will wind up in a reality where chaos subsides and blessings blossom.
Each of us has our own parallel reality and universe. We control which version of reality we wind up in. The fears that grow inside of us are manufactured by the negative Opponent inside of us. That is the real virus that plagues humankind. Our ego. Our reactions.
The 72 Names of God and the Zohar banish the influence of the fear monger inside of us, the source of all our doubts and pessimism. Admit your ego, do uncomfortable acts of sharing, and awaken the certainty that great Miracles are the true reality and they are here for the taking.
The great Kabbalist, known as the Vilna Gaon (Genius of Vilna), wrote a few hundred years ago that the Hebrew Calendar year of 5780 (which is where we are right now) is when a major window of transformation and Messiah energy will come into the world. If we are negative, it comes as judgment. If we are transforming ourselves and using the tools, it comes as mercy.
It’s up to us.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
hi billy , i have a question for you if you could answer i would truly appreciate it , is there anywhere in the kabbalah text / Zohar that could point me in the direction of a spitirual human being like myself to prevent myself being forced to take the covid-19 test. I have been a studying kabbalah for 4 yrs now and it makes such sense, but i find myself in a situation with my employer who will not accept my belief and are trying to force my hand .
Hi Janice. Thanks for writing. The Zohar actually says when a plague strikes, we must hide and not expose ourselves. Now, there are many levels of understanding this which i cannot go into now. But suffice to say, we are supposed to battle chaos on both the 99% and 1%. So testing can make sense. Why not? This does not mean you stop using the tools of Zohar to protect yourself etc. They are not diametrically opposed if your consciousness is aware of both realities — the 1% and 99%. It’s when fear and reactive behavior are controlling you and you are enslaved to the fear of the 1%. That is when you must resist the fear and connect to the 99% to expand your awareness of both realities so that you can use both in a proactive fashion. Hope this makes sense.
thank you Billy. i really do not want this covid testing but our government have now made it mandatory. I carry a miniature Zohar book with me every where i go . What you said makes sense to me and i follow your guidance and wisdom with much love and respect . Keep up your excellent work and maybe oneday we might even get to meet who knows ?
oh my i have just read the secret of the crown/ corona . Thank you billy it really gave me the light and i can see now why taking the test IS the right way .