To Our Beloved Rav, Karen, Yehuda and Michael Berg,
I don’t know if I can find the words to convey to you my heartfelt sadness for the hardship that your family and The Kabbalah Centre is enduring. A hardship because you have the courage and conviction to share with me a ‘christian’ the knowledge of kabbalah.
What kabbalah has taught me, has shown me, which I know if I had not come across The Kabbalah Centre, I would still be sitting in a pool of pain, victim, self disgust, pity and attacking myself and those that I love, still questioning who G-d is, who I am, all chains that I thought would surely destroy me. And yet if I was to print these words of gratitude and share them with those that have no concept of knowing what it means to find such a profound gift, I feel that these words will also cause you more grief…. because they do not understand.
I watch my teachers being attacked and not attacking back and I realize, that you do everything that you tell us to try to do and yet we are so scared to do ourselves every day.
How easy it would be for you to say, let’s stop. It’s all too much a sacrifice to our family, our wives our children. And no one would blame you. And yet you prove again to us, that you really mean business with your fight to stop pain and suffering.
I am just a name, just another student, and yet what you have shown me, helped me glimpsed, what you have started to change in me…..I can never ever forget or repay you. I am closer to G-d because of you. I am closer to my husband, my son, and I try to be even more, because you dared to tell me that I can be.
I love you and it pains me so much that they are attacking you, my beloved teachers. And I am ashamed to be part of this human race at times, but I hold on to what you teach us, what you show us with both your actions and your words and I know that I must try harder to understand them, forgive them and love them.
I will forever more be grateful to you, more than you will ever know.
Luciana Lapedota
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
Well done for speaking out, Luciana.
Luciana- I think you just spoke for all students of the Kabbalah Centre everywhere!!! I cherish you and the sincerity in your message. It is such a Never-ending Miracle to be part of the Rav & Karen and the family and teachers and friends and Wisdoms etc…etc…etc…
Your message speaks volumes Luciana.
Thank God for The Rav, Karen, Yehuda, Michael,the family, my teacher Yehuda Goldfiner and every teacher at The Kabbalah Centre.
Their love, care and commitment, is the constant in my life.
My wish is that every single person in this world, experience and live the amazing miracles possible, because of the teachings they have the courage and dedication to bring to us all.
Luciana as a fellow student you put into words all my feelings, Thanks for your courage and sincerity.
your words speak to every student of kabbalah thank you
Dear Luciana,
it is many years later now, but I do hope you are still happilly Kabbalah-ing along, receiving many blessings through this Teaching.
I am in Australia as well, in Perth. Although not as young as you, but rather on the other end of the scale, just started on the Kabbalah path.
Where do you live? and do you mind contacting ?
I would love to have contact with like-minded people to share with.
My email: