Ultimately, Kabbalah is not about prayers. It just isn’t. Yet we need them. Why? Ultimately, Kabbalah is not about sharing and giving. But we need to. Why? Ultimately, it’s not about keeping the Sabbath. But we need to. Why?
There is but one singular solitary bridge to paradise, a bridge that was built at the very moment of creation. The bridge is certainty. And that bridge lies within the realm of human consciousness. What does that mean? Consciousness creates our reality. If you doubt and worry and sweat all the obstacles, then what’s in your head is what will come to be (Read that again. And again).
Life is all about the concept of “self-fulfilling prophecies.” In other words, what we believe is the reality we achieve. So if you want to be right about your negative interpretation of an event, you will be. This is why the concepts of “right and wrong” are deadly. We can be right and yet be absolutely miserable. Or, we can be wrong and be authentically happy. It is the ego that strives to always be right. At whatever cost. It is also the ego that strives to cast doubt upon everything in front of our faces.
Here’s a secret held by the Kabbalists for some two thousand years: There is a bridge that leads to the paradise that we all dream about; a world where our loved ones return, where our dreams all come true every moment; a place where we finally realize that this world we are now in is only a dream, a test, a journey that allows us to earn and become the cause of the very paradise we seek.
But right now we don’t know this. We are not allowed to know this. Otherwise, we could never become the true cause. So the memory of true reality and the awareness that our world is just a dream has been erased from our minds the moment before we left the womb.
So what is the bridge that will lead us to remember the truth, and more importantly, lead us to the paradise and true reality that every human being chases after?
What is that bridge that leads us to the promised land of paradise?
It’s not prayers.
It’s not the Sabbath.
It’s not sharing and giving and assisting others or true kindness.
Hard to believe right?
The bridge is certainty. The bridge is our consciousness. But not just any kind of consciousness. It’s called a Consciousness of Certainty Beyond Logic.
Michael Berg recently explained that the founder of the Kabbalah Centre, Rav Ashlag, revealed this secret bridge to us.
The bridge is our ability to know, with complete conviction, that the only true and genuine reality is paradise. And perfection. And happiness. And joy. If you are not experiencing all that, it means the problem lies in your consciousness. Certainty beyond Logic means that you have the ability to see, perceive and know that any obstacle, no matter what, can be overcome. It means you know that there is no such thing as darkness or pain within the blazing Light of the Creator.
You see, we all have the Adversary (“Satan” in Hebrew) injected into our minds. This is the only obstacle we came to overcome and defeat. This Adversary is simply the human ego. Any doubt, anxiety, fear, worry, pessimism, self-interest, selfishness, greed, anger, rage, or any other emotion that subtracts from our happiness, these are all the Adversary. If we believe in these thoughts, they become real. If we react to these thoughts, they create and conjure up that actual reality. This is our power.
Look around. The entire world believes in their own ego. We are all motivated by ego. And that is why the world burns and bleeds.
The bridge to paradise is defeating every obstacle that prevents us from perceiving and experiencing the paradise that is already here. We don’t really believe paradise is here. Right now. It’s illogical. It’s too good to be true. So the only way we can get there is to have what Michael Berg and Rav Ashlag call, certainty beyond logic.
Imagine a room filled with sunshine. Now imagine erecting a small circular space with thick blackout curtains. Guess what? We are inside that space of darkness. That is our universe. It’s our world. The sunshine never left. It never abandoned us. It is merely on the other side of the curtain. The curtain is the ego—all those negative thoughts and selfish motivation that compels us into action each day.
Kabbalah explains that there are pinholes of light in that blackout curtain. Those pinholes of light is what sustains us, keeps us alive. Each time we diminish our ego, we puncture another pin hole and more light falls into our space. Any authentic blessings in our life right now, are a result of the pinholes that we have made in the curtain from this life, or past.
Moses was never given a religion on Mount Sinai. He was given tools to eradicate the ego so that we can puncture the curtain and eventually tear it down completely.
It was Man who warped the technology given to Moses and who created a religion. It is religion that created war, conflict, corruption and chaos.
The true purpose of the technology given to Moses was to weaken our ego and strengthen our certainty so that we can build a bridge and get the hell out of this reality.
Obstacles come to test us. If we react, it means we give those obstacles existence. We make them real. We make them tangible. It is our certainty in knowing that we can overcome the obstacle, no matter what, that allows us to overcome that obstacle no matter what. It’s knowing the obstacle or pain is an illusion that we are supposed to expose and unravel.
The degree of doubt that we experience when facing obstacles is the degree of difficulty we have in conquering an obstacle.
And the degree of doubt is in direct proportion to the amount of ego we have.
Which leads us to another profound truth.
Transformation is never an intellectual decision. Defeating doubt is not something you can think your way out of. The tools of Kabbalah have a purifying effect, a washing away of the layers of negative consciousness that enslave us. This path and the learning of Kabbalistic wisdom is a step-by-step process whose singular net effect is the peeling away of reactive, ego-driven emotions. When a layer of ego is gone certainty comes naturally. Now comes the next level & a stronger test that awakens our doubt.
This is the difference between walking the walk or just talking it. Many people can talk spirituality. Many people can talk Kabbalah and be utterly brilliant in terms of their intellectual grasp. Big deal. That does not mean they changed. It doesn’t mean they accomplished a single thing in terms of the meaning of our existence. Such a person can still be full of ego, their self-righteousness and ego-centricity simply cleverly disguised and hidden.
The only way to change is to use the tools; to use the learning and to walk this insanely challenging path by overcoming doubt. We did not come to this world to become smarter. We came here to become more pure in our consciousness, our nature and our character. This is what unleashes certainty and conviction. And this is what separates Kabbalah from all other spiritual doctrines and systems. These tools waken the Light that banishes the darkness from our nature. This energy targets our ego. Point blank. And this is why people quit the path. They were expecting to become smarter, wiser, more clever and seriously knowledgable in the sexy secrets of Kabbalah. They didn’t know it was about getting rid of their dumb ego. But that’s what changes the world. Nothing else. Not politics. Not religion. Not blind faith. Not a code of morals and ethics. Only the purifying of the ego via the tools and the unleashing of our certainty.
This is what the prayers, the holidays, actions of sharing and the Sabbath accomplish for us. They diminish doubt by diminishing the influence of the ego. For instance, Passover is not about the liberation of the ancient Israelites from Egypt thirty-four centuries ago. Who cares what happened so long ago? I don’t. Passover is about freeing ourselves from our slavery to doubt, worry, fear—the human ego. By connecting to Passover, or the Sabbath, or prayer or just plain actions of sharing with people, we awaken an actual force, a ray of Light that permeates our consciousness and literally peels away layers of ego and, in turn, the doubts in our mind. The tools are means to an end, not the end itself.
But without the knowledge of Kabbalah to power up Passover, without the tools of Kabbalah to fire up the engines, Passover becomes a tradition, a family get together that accomplishes zero in terms of the meaning of life. Yes, its fun to get together with family. But sooner or later you have to say good-bye or you have to watch your family suffer. Makes more sense to spend as much time as possible building that bridge so that we never again say goodbye to anyone.
This is why I have taught my own kids the following truth: If you are not quitting the path of Kabbalah at least once a week, or better yet, once a day, you are not growing. Because it’s the ego that wants to quit. And when you overcome that desire, you weaken the ego and enhance certainty.
And once that ego is weakened and transformed 100%, perfect certainty becomes our natural state of consciousness.
And that means we have built our bridge to paradise.
FREE webinar with Billy Phillips

In this free webinar, Billy shares some powerful insights about Jesus and the Messiah riding a Donkey and why the secret teachings of Jesus are coming out at this point in history. He also reveals a startling redacted section of Zohar that was taken out back in the middle ages.
WOW! For a moment I thought my head was going to explode and had to stop and process before continuing. Thank you for sharing this wisdom Billy. Thank you.
challenging and exciting im going now to read this again!
trust beyond logic- sounds like paradise to me!! Thank you Billy for the inspiration and understanding of how to apply the wisdom in our lives- xoxo
omg…. !!!! i have been waiting for these words Billy….
Funny how the simplest truths need to be read again and again and AGAIN!! and then the realisation of the simplicity kicks in and joy follows…so, I need to go back to this later! Thank you for this oasis of sense and clarity in an insanely challenging week! ps I saved the picture as a background page on my pc! thank you 🙂
Wow!!!! this is amazing, so powerful and deep, is the kabbalistic wisdom condense in one page, just brilliant. I am going to read it every day from now on and share it with my friends and family. Thank you for your love and dedication, this is the best!!!!!!.
Brilliant and inspiring! Awareness and consciousness is the only way to eradicate the ego and therefore bring true clarity, peace and love into our worlds! I love what you said about the traditions and the past. It is a gateway to help us ponder on what state of slavery we find out souls in TODAY, this minute, this second!
Then the most important thing we need to do is build our certainty and help others to do the same.. MORE sharing and caring! MORE opening up and exposing our ego to others so we can eradicate it and help others to do the same!
Build community, share, support, love.
I’ve read this twice and still intend to return to it. Every now and again, when I am making a decision to which extent I am quitting Kabbalah today, I stumble across something profound.
Billy, this is an amazing article. Thank you!
Yes, a feeling of self importance ( ego) instead of trusting in the Creator and it’s sovereignty over all things is what leads us to doubt in all aspects of our lives. If we could shed ego, messiah would appear immediately and usher in the kingdom of heaven/the LIGHT.
Great Article Billy!
No ego – no problem? Maybe ego is necessary, without ego perhaps we cease to exist. What we really need is Ego empowered by light, ego that sees we are separate and together. Ego that respects the unconscious, ego that throws away the special privilege, the pride, the greed, and embraces giving, rest, friendship, possibilities, love, and reality we can create together.
yes. you are correct but with a minor switch. not ego empowered by Light. Ego in the service of the Light. In the language of Rav Ashlag, transform Desire to Receive (ego) for the self alone into Desire to Receive (ego) for the Sake of Sharing! In other words, instead of worrying about making my own dreams come true, i use my gifts, talents and power to make OTHER people’s dreams come true. Now there will be 6 billion people working to make my own dreams come true.